桜が咲くよ 見慣れたいつもの坂道に
As usual, cherry blossoms are blooming along the hill road that we’ve got used to.
Here, we gotta farewell.
泣いて笑ったあの日々 なんだか昨日のことのよう
Those days we have passed together with laughters and tears
Somehow they feels like it’s just yesterday
この道はそう 未来へ続く道 そんな気がしたの
The path we’re walking along, I’ve finally realised, is leading to our future.
例年より早い開花予想を 君はうれしがってた
Knowing the flower forecast being earlier in the recent years, you showed your smiling face
私は笑った 「そうだね」って言った
Smiled with you, I said “it’s really so”.
Just in a short while, we would never be able to return once again
言葉じゃうまく言えない想いを 君に打ち明けるとしたら
Those indescribable thoughts that I wanted to tell you for long,
I would like to confess it clearly now
なんて伝えよう 最初で最後
Whatever it is, I will tell you, in my first and last chance.
いつか一緒に帰った道は わたしにとって特別な思い出
The path we once we walked along together,
To me, it’s a very memorable moment
忘れないよ さよならメモリーズ
I will never forget, the farewell-memories.
春が来たら それぞれの道を
When the spring arrives, we would be already on our different roads of life.
また会える日を願って 「さよなら」小さく呟いた
Wishing for a day to gather again, “Farewell”, I whispered.
空はあの日と変わらず青くて だからちょっと泣けた
The clear sky is as blue as usual, but I’m dropping my tears
わざと遠回りしたの 少しでも長く君の隣に居たくて
Deliberately, I took a detour, just to be by your side some more
私はおどけて 「間違えた」って言った
Jokingly I said, “it’s my mistake”.
Your smile is so dazzling that I couldn’t see straight
言葉じゃうまく言えない想いを 胸に抱いてこの道を歩いた
Those indescribable thoughts that I wanted to tell you for long,
I’ve been holding them in my chest while walking all along
覚えてる あの時君は 私の名前を呼んでくれた
I still remember that time when you called my name
on our way back at dawn
忘れないよ さよならメモリーズ
I will never forget, the farewell-memories.
出会えたこと 感謝してる
I really appreciate the fact that we are met
初めて見た 満開の桜
Remember the first time when we saw the full bloom cherry blossoms
あれからどれくらい 変われたんだろう?
And since then, how much have we been changed?