E.R. @ Tìtsyul Amip is a WordPress portfolio theme based on the structure of Eanois Revamp and Eanois Default. The general structure is mostly identical to the previous 2 works, but with design layout changed to align with the fifth generation of the logo design, Tìtsyul Amip.
This design has attempted to be built on the line of brutalist design, yet not so much of it apart from the typography elements. Since this website is not a photograph-heavy one, and I couldn’t get on hold of the entire concept of brutalist design either.
Technology wise, this theme is built on the Roots Sage 10 framework, which, at the time of writing, has not released a stable version yet. However, even with that I still find Sage 10 is a much better choice that Sage 9 in terms of the support of new features and compatibility with other newer JS and PHP dependencies.
This is by far the implementation that is resemble the most closely the design draft in the Eanois trilogy(?). There isn’t much of a visual gap between the two comparing to the previous two which I both wasn’t too satisfied with.